A special message for ICAA members and their residents
A special message for ICAA members and their residents ...
It feels like so long ago when we saw you at ICAA's fall conference in Orlando -- thanks to Colin Milner and his team's efforts, many of you were introduced to our funny-named sport.
People are still playing pickleball.
We're in strange times. Many of your members are seeking out activities to remain active, while still adhering to shelter-in-place directives from local, state and federal authorities.
We're finding incredible demand for Amazin' Aces pickleball gear during these times. We've been floored!
But how are our members staying safe while remaining active?
Folks are modifying this awesome sport to stay safe.
We've maintained a pulse on the community -- both here in Austin and pickleball hubs in Florida and Arizona. Here's what we've learned.- Players maintain at least a recommended 6 foot distance away from one another
- Each player keeps their own ball. No one else touches it with their hands, and uses a paddle or their feet to kick it back.
- Players refrain from touching paddles
- "Nontraditional" courts are being set up (many of which are using our affordably priced net set) in lieu of city or community centers